

For a long time, there were two foundations dedicated to Brunner's memory: The Internationaal Constantin Brunner Instituut in The Hague (founded in 1947) and the Constantin Brunner Foundation in Hamburg (founded in 1975, dissolved in 2021). Both foundations published Brunner's writings, promoted secondary literature on Brunner, and organized lecture events. This work has been continued by the ICBI alone since 2021.

Internationaal Constantin Brunner Instituut (ICBI), The Hague

(International Constantin Brunner Institute)


Dr. Jürgen Stenzel

Friedensstrasse 13

D - 37083 Göttingen

Tel. (+49) (0)551-5314993


The aim of the ICBI is the republishing of works of the philosopher Constantin Brunner (1862-1937), which had been destroyed to a large extent during the years of the national socialist regime in Germany. Another aim is to promote research on Brunner's writings and thought in the fields of science, philosophy, art and literature, as well as  to discuss the importance/significance of his practical philosophy for a better understanding of social and religious problems.


The ICBI was founded in 1947 by friends, supporters and followers of Brunner, who fled and migrated to different parts of the world due to the war in Europe and persecution by the Nazis. The foundation's seat became The Hague, Brunner's last residence. Since the 30th January 1950 it is officially registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce of the Haaglanden district (# 41152272). Since the 21. of March 1983 it is officially acknowledged as a cultural foundation. The ICBI is subject to the Dutch taxation regulation (fiscal no. 8052.51.650).



1947-51 Lothar Bickel

1951-68 George Goetz

1968-81 Walter Bernard

1981-90 Israel Eisenstein

1990-2006 Hans Raphael Goetz

since 2006 Jürgen Stenzel


Till the year 2008 the ICBI preserved Brunner's bequest and his last office. This collection was given in 2008 to the archive of the Leo Baeck Institute's German branch in Berlin, located at the Jewish Museum, where it was made accessible to the public (see here). The Jewish Museum of Berlin preserves the essential parts of Brunner's last office since then.


In accordance with its goals the ICBI has published new editions of Brunner's works, as well as translations and commentaries. From time to time lectures and conferences were organized and diverse research supported.


As part of its possibilities the ICBI sponsors and assists Brunner projects of any kind. Requests for assistance can always be submitted informally. According to the Statute, the ICBI sponsors new editions and translations of the works of Brunner and comments about his life and work. Scientific research about the Brunner circles is also being sponsored.


The elaboration and publication of books, articles, lectures, conferences, research trips etc. can benefit from ICBI sponsorship.


The board members are guiding the foundation unsalaried.



Constantin Brunner-Stiftung, Hamburg

(Constantin Brunner Foundation)

- foundation dissolved -


The Constantin Brunner Foundation was founded in 1975 by Leo Sonntag (Paris) and Walter Bernard (New York). Till 1993 it was led by the Hamburgian  literary scientist Prof. Dr. Heinz Stolte. Since then Dr. Jürgen Stenzel, Göttingen, was the foundation's chairman until it was dissolved at the end of 2021 in favor of the ICBI.


Statutory goal of the foundation was to study the life and work of the German philosopher Constantin Brunner (1862-1937) and to make his work accessible to a wider public. Attention was drawn specifically to the practical significance of Brunner’s philosophy for a constructive approach of societal and religious issues.


The foundation not only encouraged the republication of Brunner's work, but also supported the academic study of his work.


The partial Brunner bequests, which originally were located at the archive of the ICBI in The Hague and at the archive of the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, were brought together in 2008 at the archive of the Leo Baeck Institute's German branch in the building of the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Thereby a central location of Brunner research has emerged in Germany's capital.


A large collection of documents and letters of the Brunner circles is located at the Swiss Literary Archives (Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv) in Bern ("Bickel-Brunner-Archiv" collection).


Brunner Collection in Berlin

As Constantin Brunner in 1933 fled from Berlin into exile in the Netherlands, he could take only parts of his property. The last office of Brunner, in which he worked from 1933 to 1937 in The Hague, is still preserved in parts. Beside the desk it includes some busts, sculptures and paintings that are now also located at the Jewish Museum in Berlin.


The written bequest of Brunner could be saved in the Netherlands from the Nazis; other parts arrived later at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York. In The Hague the ICBI kept the other, far more extensive part of the bequest, which it continiously complemented by other documents. In particular, documents about the Brunner reception, bequests of family members (Lotte and Leoni Brunner) and bequests of persons from the Brunner circles were collected.


The Berlin merged archive contains documents (books, articles and reviews of and about Brunner), manuscripts (handwritten or typewritten works/remarks of or about Brunner), correspondence (letters to and from Brunner and correspondence of persons from the Brunner circles) and photos (Brunner and persons from the Brunner circles).


The material was categorized, filmed and digitized. It is accessible online through the catalog of the Leo Baeck Institute: here.


In addition, the documents are accessible during visiting hours in the Leo Baeck Institute Berlin.